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Monday 21 March 2016


For a while now, the media has been filled with Rumors, Facts and Fiction about the music group known as P-Square, While e may not have the right to play Judge in the case, it is important we take a cue from this conflict and reflect on our own lives. Here are a few lessons to learn:

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1. PUT IT ON PAPER: Relationships are good, friends, colleagues, brothers… whatever, but over time, I’ve come to learn that there are two major factors that BREAK most relationships… MONEY & LOVE. No matter how good things between you and a person seem today… Learn to put major agreements on Paper. It’s a Shame to know that a Brand Like P-SQUARE still run on “As We Feel” instead on based on our contract or Agreement. Maybe they under estimated the Power of Money or Influence, but now, its raising it’s heard as an irrepressible force.

#LESSON1: Learn to think Systems, not just because of the present, but because of the useable future.

2. BEING SINGLE HAS ITS BLESSINGS: Although man is a Social Animal, we must also remember that man is Born Selfish by Nature. As an Unmarried person, there is a huge amount of Freedom a person has. Freedom to do and UnDO. Freedom to Be and BE NOT. WHY? Because the Consquence of such actions comes directly to YOU only. No other person is directly affected by your decisions…. It’s YOUR Life, so you can live it at your own terms. However, this changes the moment you Get married or become a Baby Daddy; Life doesn’t end and begin with YOU anymore. You now begin to consider other Factors. The Bitter Truth about this P-Square is that, the presence of Women and Children in their lives affected their thought patterns and Interests. What Could be Overlooked in 1999, 2009 and 2013 couldn’t afford to be overlooked anymore. Whispers, Side Comments, Facial Dissatisfactions, Murmurs and stuff gradually led to Division among the Brothers. From All Indications, it seems as though Jude is the Bone Of Contention, but I think P-Square was a Disaster waiting to Happen the Moment they Choose to Get Married.


3. AGE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MATURITY: Social Media has been one of the most transformational tool of the 21st Century, but then these recent Media Rants by two or Three So- Called Mature Minds is the height of Irresponsibility. Are they the Only Music Group on Earth with Challenges and Issues? Are they the Only TWINS on Earth who have done each other wrong? I am trying to wrap my head around the fact that two Educated Individuals who have travelled the World will come online to share their dirty little secrets with a World that has been praying for them to FALL/FAIL. Can’t they learn from the Past? MOhits? Who Separated and afterwards each party has been just average? SMD is just a bunch of average Talents… NONE can match with Dbanj. And D’Banj on the Other hand is just Globe Throttling and gradually fading away from musical relevance.
Someone will say… If Only their Mum was Alive! #Iffaahear!!! Is it not a SHAME that grown men like these would be waiting for Mummy to Cry and Naked herself on the ground before they resolve their issues? No one say P-SQUARE Should be together for LIFEEEEE! But there is a MATURED way to go about things. This issue is just a big Insult to the Memory of their Parents and Family Name in General.

LESSON3: Learn to be matured in Handling Issues. (Outsiders Don’t Wish You Well)

Wednesday 9 March 2016


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From it's title, one may try to guess the story line...but trust me, you would guess wrong. Black November is one of those movies you find difficult to classify as a NOLLYWOOD Film.

With a Cast of Hakeem Kae-Kazim, Mickey Rourke, Kim Basinger, Sarah Wayne CalliesNse Ikpe Etim,  OC UkejeVivica FoxAnne HechePersia WhiteAkon, Wyclef Jean and Mbong Amata BLACK NOVEMBER is a movie that tries to unveil to the world, the pains, hardship and sufferings of the Niger - Delta  people and their quests for Justice.
To make it more engaging, a sub theme of Love, Sacrifice and Loyalty was infused through the Character of Ebiere... The fearless, articulate defender of the People.

If there is a Movie You must see this weekend... BLACK NOVEMBER should be it.


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In 2011 a Thompson Reuters Foundation Poll revealed the top 5 most dangerous countries to be living in when you're a woman. Each pose their own set of unique problems, but they have one thing in common: Utter disregard for women and women's bodies. 
The criteria that was looked at include the following:health threats, sexual violence, non-sexual violence, cultural or religious factors, lack of access to resources and trafficking.
Here are the five places where women's live are in the most peril. 

5 – Somalia
This country has been ravaged by civil war and lack of government for decades now. It ranks as the fifth most dangerous country for females because of factors such as:

- Rape 
- Female Genital Mutilation (usually practiced on girls between 4 and 11)
- High maternity death rate as only 9% of women give birth in hospitals
- Forced child marriage and fatalities resulting from internal trauma from child rape. 

And with only 7.5% parliament seats being held by women conditions are unlikely to improve. 

4 – India 
This is doubly depressing seeing that India’s population is around a billion people which makes it the world’s biggest democracy. By far. The reasons for this are: 

-    100 million (mostly women and children) are victims of human trafficking. This includes sex slavery, forced labour and forced marriages. 
-    Over the last century over 50 million girls are "missing" due to female foeticide and infanticide. 
-    Child marriages - almost half of the female population are married before 18. 

3 – Pakistan
Pakistan is rife with cultural, tribal and religious practices which abuse women. Things such as “punishment” through stoning, acid attacks, beatings and forced marriages are at the order of the day and women have nowhere to turn to for help because of an unsympathetic cultural and religious government. 

-    According to the Human Rights Commission more than a 1000 women and girls are victims of “honour killings” – which are committed by their families – per year. 

2 – The Democratic Republic of the Congo 
The Congo comes in second mainly because the figures for sexual violence are so high. A country with a shockingly long list of human rights violations, the Congo is still recovering after the war. 

-    More than 400 000 women are raped in the Congo each year
-    Rape is used as a weapon and militia gang rape and torture girls as young as three and women as old as 80. 
-    Women are forced into becoming soldiers and female soldiers are forced to be sex slaves
1 – Afghanistan 
Afghanistan scores highest in terms of non-sexual violence, women-specific health and economic discrimination.
-    According to UNICEF 1 in 11 women die in childbirth
-    Almost 90% are completely illiterate 
-    70 – 80% of girls are forced into marriages


They are all around us, almost impossible not to notice.... In Nigeria, we call them different names, and overtime, those names are used derogatorily. How much do you really know about Albinos?
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The term Albinism originated from a Latin word called Albus which means WHITE. It is defined as a congenital disorder characterized by the complete or partial absence of pigment in the skin, hair and eyes due to absence or defect of tyrosinase, a copper-containing enzyme involved in the production of melanin. It is the opposite of melanism. It has been scientifically proven that Albinism is an hereditary condition characterized by the absence of melanin in particular, in the eyes, skin, hair, scales, feathers or cuticle.
Albinism results from inheritance of recessive gene alleles and is known to affect all vertebrates, including humans. While an organism with complete absence of melanin is called an albino  an organism with only a diminished amount of melanin is described as leucistic or albinoid.
Albinism is associated with a number of vision defects, such as photophobia, nystagmus and amblyopia. Lack of skin pigmentation makes for more susceptibility to sunburn and skin cancers.
Due to misinformation and certain traditional beliefs, many Nigerians stigmatized Albinos. We must know that Albinism is NOT Contagious... So no matter how close you get to an Albino, you cannot become one. 
According to Nyasa Times a Malawian Paper, the country's ministry of gender revealed that the counsel would be a subsidiary of the ministry of justice and would ensure the imposition of stiff penalties in all cases relating to albino killings and attacks on citizens living with albinism.
In a statement released by Abigail Dzimadzi, chairperson of the Association of Persons with Albinism in Malawi (APAM), over 50 attacks on people with albinism had been recorded between December 2014 and March 2016 alone.
Please, lets learn to treat every human with respect and love of God. 

Monday 7 March 2016


As always... Death comes as a SHOCk! No one ever expects it or even await its arrival... Yet It comes.
What makes the this death of Mr. James Ocholi different?

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No1. HE WAS A MINISTER. Nigerians overtime unfortunately have become used to Motor Accident, and while Hundreds of lives are lost daily, and OVERLOOKED... That of a a Junior Minister cannot afford to be overlooked too. As Minister, Nigerians expect He has the BEST of everything... from the Vehicle to the Driver e.t.c So, it comes as a shocker when we are to discover that his Death came as a result of a Low Pressured Tyre (which we expect to be NEW).

No2. HE DIDN'T DIE ALONE: Death is brutal, but sometimes, we get consolation from those that are LEFT behind to Live on! However, we a man Dies, and His Wife Follows Suits... Its a terrible thought; what makes it become heartbreaking is when his FIRST SON... His Pride, Future and Joy is gone too!!! Truly thats sad. Who is going to look after the other children?

No3: HE WAS DIFFERENT:  For those that followed the Ministerial Screening, Mr. James was one of the candidates that stood out. His Charisma, Charm and Intelligence was something worthy of admiration. He represented the Kind of persons needed to bring about the Kind of CHANGE Nigeria really needs.

  As we mourn the passing of these beautiful souls, lets take time out to pray for their families... and cautiously review our lives. Death Has no Alarm Bell.  #AllisWell   Photcredit: SaharaReporters.


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About Me

Airhunuoje Michael is a young Entrepreneur from Otuo, Owan East Edo State. A Graduate of Political Science & Public Administration from the University of Benin; he is also an Alumni of Daystar Leadership Academy, led by Pst. Sam Adeyemi. In 2008, he was a part of a team of young Nigerians that designed and submitted a Reality Show Program on ReBranding Nigeria to the then Minister Of Information Late. Dr. Dora Akunyilli . His experience working with Bunmi Davies as the Brand Manager at Afrotainment Production; Producers of Nigeria’s No1 Family Comedy Show “Stand Up Nigeria”, completely sets him apart as an ace in the field of Branding and Publicity.