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Thursday 29 September 2016


A Well Furnished 7- Bedroom Building is Available for SALE at an Affordable RATE.

@AREA 8, OPIC Estate Agbara Ogun State.

1. C-of-O from OPIC Head Office.
2. Enough SPACE at back for MULTI PURPOSE.

Interested Companies, Schools, Individuals or Agents should pls
Contact 0803228426 or 08033488743 for more details.

Monday 5 September 2016

#MustAttendEvents BMB Foundation SKILL ACQUISITION

In times like these, what every person needs to stay afloat and relevant is a SKILL.

BMB Foundation is setting a SKILL ACQUISITION Class to give 100% Practical Training to people who want to acquire or enhance certain trendy SKILLS.

Please View the Flyer for more details.

#InspireMonday Think SERVICE... Not just SURVIVAL


There was a point in our human existence when being tagged a “SUCCESS” was easy. It was a one way Traffic. Go to School, Get Good Degrees; Get a Good Job, Get Married, Raise Children, Retire at 65, Die at a Good Old ripe Age.  Well… In this 21st Century… that story will just turn you into a “Common Nigerian”; with little to give your Children/Grand Children.

In this century, the Story has and MUST change. Today, the definition of success has drastically changed from just being able to meet your daily bread, to the ability to GROW WEALTH and INFLUENCE your world. Such that, generations unborn would reap from your deeds.  To achieve this feat, our youths must begin to think SERVICE!
 You may be tempted to ask… WHAT IS SERVICE? Simply put, Service is the ability to translate a Talent, Gifting, Potential or Ability into a form that can meet a NEED and you can be REWARDED for. i.e Once you have the ability to solve a challenge using the inborn ability you have inside you, you have become a SERVICE PROVIDER.
The World today is ruled by SERVICE PROVIDERS, those that have the capacity to solve problems in any sector of the society.


a.      RESPECT WHAT YOU HAVE: no matter how infinitesimal your talent looks like, don’t disregard it. It is important you RESPECT that which the creator has bestowed inside you. Many a time, we erroneously believe that we need MORE Talents in other to achieve more, regrettably, that is so fallacious, what we actually need is MORE FOCUS on that which we have already.

b.      DEVELOP YOURSELF: Like we all know, TALENT IS NOT ENOUGH! It is imperative you GROW the Natural gifting you have. In today’s world, no one appreciates and rewards ONLY TALENT. Through growth and development, that Potential, Gift or Talent can be translated into a SKILL that can be used to provide a SERVICE that the society can reward you for. Therefore, it is important you attend training, seminars, workshops, exhibitions e.t.c whatever you can do to GROW that which you have inside you, engage in it wholeheartedly.

c.       GIVE IT OUT: It’s imprudent to light a candle stick and place it under a table. It is vital you find ways to GIVE OUT that which you have inside you. Engage in Volunteering Projects, take part in Religious Projects, engage your family, friends, neighborhood, community e.t.c; everyone around you must be able to define you based on your gifting. Tell them, Serve Them! At the preliminary stage, you may have to pay for the needed platforms to showcase your gifting’s, but as you stay committed and keep growing, your Value would increase, then your demand increases and when that happens, you can then begin to add charges to your SERVICE.

Majority of the people who COMPLAIN around you, are SURVIVALS, that’s why any flip-flop in the economy threatens their survival. However, as a SERVICE PROVIDER, there is this confidence that comes with your daily action, you know that each day you spend on your Service, you are becoming more important and valued; therefore your place in the economy is not threatened.

Conclusively, the Nations that THINK SERVICE always outclass those that Think Only SURVIVAL. From this moment, make a commitment, that as an individual, you are going to be a Service Provider. Make a Resolve to keep Providing Solutions to the Challenges of those within your circle of influence. 

(excerpts from Airhunuoje Michael's Inspirational Talk on @Mitv Lagos Nigeria (2nd Sep 2016))


We are the Kings of Branding & Advertising

About Me

Airhunuoje Michael is a young Entrepreneur from Otuo, Owan East Edo State. A Graduate of Political Science & Public Administration from the University of Benin; he is also an Alumni of Daystar Leadership Academy, led by Pst. Sam Adeyemi. In 2008, he was a part of a team of young Nigerians that designed and submitted a Reality Show Program on ReBranding Nigeria to the then Minister Of Information Late. Dr. Dora Akunyilli . His experience working with Bunmi Davies as the Brand Manager at Afrotainment Production; Producers of Nigeria’s No1 Family Comedy Show “Stand Up Nigeria”, completely sets him apart as an ace in the field of Branding and Publicity.