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Monday 2 March 2015


                          eXcess Luggage

“Nobody wants to die but everyone wants to get to heaven” that statement is as ironical as anything can be. Most of us want to live a good life, yet we don’t want to lose certain things. How possible is that?
Life in itself in a journey, and for every journey, a passenger is expected to have certain kinds of luggage. To a large extent, the kind of journey or the purpose of a journey determines the kind and amount of luggage you are required to carry; unfortunately though many people still carry the wrong amount and type of luggage.
Let’s quickly examine a few luggages that can be described as Excess.

1.    FAMILY: In this part of our world, the term FAMILY means a lot. Its more than a name, it’s a belief system that any person connected with you by blood directly or indirectly is a part of you. As beautiful as the term is, it can mostly be abused and can become an excess luggage in itself. Many young people have traded their destinies today all because of family. A young man who has a gifting for sciences or any of the medical profession may just drop that dream and become an accountant… Why? Family Tradition! His grandfather was an accountant, his father and accountant, his two elder brothers are accountants and now he too must continue the accounting trend. In an effort to please our families sometimes we find ourselves engaging in things we should not. We are pressured to partake in certain jobs just because we want to provide for our parents, siblings, cousins or aunts. Please note this carefully, It is good to honor our parents and provide for them, but understand that you cannot sell out your life because of them. They had their live to live and you have yours. Don’t allow the weight of a relation bring you down. Yes all fingers are not equal, but they are all the same number.
2.    FRIENDS: This is closely related to family yet distinctly different. A wise scholar once said and I quote “It is better to make friends of your clients than to make your friends your client”. Some people are just best as friends and nothing else, the moment you try to make them more than that, there is trouble. There is also this general trend, especially in this part of our world. John and Peter are best friends, yet John may not be pleased if Peter decides to date John’s kid Sister. Why? Because Peter has grown to see and accept John as a Friend and NOT an In-Law.
In fulfilling your dreams and goals, you must carefully let go of certain friends at certain times. In my university days, I and two other friends of mine came together to start up a magazine. Our friendship was beautiful and enviable to all who knew us then; however as business partners it wasn’t necessarily moving fine. We couldn’t make certain firm business decisions because at the end we all knew we would see it as personal. Until we went ‘solo’ none of us could really achieve anything worthwhile. Again, mark my words… FRIENDSHIP is a beautiful thing, but like a wise woman once told me “Any man climbing the ladder to the top must climb alone”. When you have gotten to the top, its easier for business to work. But from the foundation, Working on your own may just be the best.

3.    INTIMATE RELATIONSHIPS: One silent destroyer of destinies and dreams is RELATIONSHIP. Understandably everyone wants to be loved. Love is a unique feeling that makes you appreciate life the more, however if not checked, it can make you have the most miserable life ever. In my university days, I heard many stories of girls that failed in their final exams just because a guy broke their heart. Funny enough, the heart breaker passed his exam successfully, the “heart breakee” or the victim is left with a carryover course. This situation can also happen to guys too. What’s my point? My point is this, If you must be in a relationship, make sure it’s a relationship where you still remain single. Confused? Don’t be yet… Listen, being in a relationship doesn’t mean YOUR LIFE has come to a halt. Its fallacy and wrong to think that love means living for another person. That is a big lie. Pursue your goals, live your life; if in the pursuit of your goals and dreams you find someone that has keen interest in you, reciprocate the feeling, as you continue YOUR OWN race. Let me give you a bitter secret. Anyone that claims to love you but is not proud of your dream or goal is a LIAR… therefore an EXCESS LUGGAGE. Let him/her GO! Some individuals are just parasites and leeches. In the name of love they waste your time, money and life. Already you have little time to stay on earth, why waste it on/with people that don’t have direction? They say “Love is blind” that doesn’t mean you can’t activate your other senses in the process.

4.    SOCIAL ACCEPTANCE: We are living in a fast paced world today. Children quickly turning into Adults; Adults doing everything to fight Old Age and the aged losing the pride of their age by acting like youths.
Owning a phone is good, but when a phone owns you, you are doomed. Having a smart phone is good, but when a phone becomes smarter than you, you are doomed. The need to be accepted by the society is pushing people to engage in things that are detrimental to their entire well being.  They are more concerned about what the society will say or not say than what is essential. The funny part is that the society you are fighting so hard to please is even more confused than you are.
You need to get the societal burden off your neck. Don’t buy something you don’t need just to impress someone or some people that don’t like you. It doesn’t make sense for a young man to buy the latest model of a car, latest Samsung smart phone, latest home appliances yet he is living in a rented apartment. Understand that every person came into this world at a different time, and we would all leave at a different time. YOU CANNOT PLEASE MAN, so stop trying. Live right, Love your neighbor, pursue your dreams and serve your creator.

You are a passenger in this journey of life. You came with nothing, and you are leaving with nothing. What matters most is that you accomplish that which you where created for with the little time God gave to you. Let go of anything and everything that is slowing you down. Remember, a man that wants to climb to the top of a mountain carries only that which is essential for his safety and survival.  

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Airhunuoje Michael is a young Entrepreneur from Otuo, Owan East Edo State. A Graduate of Political Science & Public Administration from the University of Benin; he is also an Alumni of Daystar Leadership Academy, led by Pst. Sam Adeyemi. In 2008, he was a part of a team of young Nigerians that designed and submitted a Reality Show Program on ReBranding Nigeria to the then Minister Of Information Late. Dr. Dora Akunyilli . His experience working with Bunmi Davies as the Brand Manager at Afrotainment Production; Producers of Nigeria’s No1 Family Comedy Show “Stand Up Nigeria”, completely sets him apart as an ace in the field of Branding and Publicity.