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Monday 2 November 2015


Check This Out, Thank Me Later!!!


 Once upon a time, having Primary Six Education was more than enough to help an individual build a house. In today’s world, PhD Holders at age 65 still have landlords. Whether we like it or not, the world is changing and anyone that wants to be successful in this era must rearrange his or her thought pattern.
Here are some simple thoughts a young individual can hold on to in order to become and remain relevant in today’s world. 

a.       Education is good; but there is something Better… SKILLS:  SSCE School leaver, Undergraduate, or Graduate; we have been taught to see Education or permit me to say University Education as the key to a successful life. Well, the truth is this… EDUCATION is just a door, Not a Key. Education will avail you to various opportunities in life, but only SKILLS can help make the difference. Pursing University Education is admirable, but what will set you apart from any other educated person is the Skill you posses. The beautiful part of it is that every man is born with a skill hidden inside them. In its natural state, it is known as talent /potential, but when it is harnessed & fully developed, it becomes a Skill.

b.      The World Is Selfish… Stop Waiting for Destiny Helpers: Yes! You heard me right! Stop waiting for people to help you direct your life. Your Life is your Responsibility, be Responsible to yourself. Many a time, we look on other people to help us succeed. Sometimes, we wish we had different parents who are wealthy and can help our dreams come through… Please, Wake Up! YOU can make your dreams come through with the kind of parents you have. Look inside you and make a move. Until you make a move, you will never see any destiny helper. No “Destiny Helper” is looking for a “Wait-er”. You have to be on the move. You have to keep your mind busy doing something positive; it’s very important. Many young people waste time thereby waste their lives waiting for JAMB, POST UME, GRADUATION, NYSC and stuff before they start doing something meaningful with their lives. Don’t be such. If you take your eyes off other people, and concentrate on yourself, you will discover that you can actually do more than you imagined initially.  It’s beautiful when people believe in us, but until we start BELIEVING in ourselves, nobody/Destiny Helper will believe in you.

c.       BE at Peace with All Men: This is not just a command by Jesus; it’s a fundamental key to long life. There are many people that are too busy fighting everyone around them that they find it difficult or almost impossible to move on in life. No matter how gifted, wealthy, or good looking you are; if you are a troublesome person, you will lead a dull, lonely and bitter life. In today’s world, it is essential you learn how to avoid conflicts with people that come your way; and when they do occur, be humble enough to extend a hand of friendship. One thing I have come to realize in life is that God uses people to bless people. If you are never at peace with anyone, in what way will God bless you? Understandably, there are certain people that wouldn’t just like you… they have just chosen to antagonize you, well fact is… It’s their cross… Not yours! Be civil to such and keep praying for them. Living at Peace with all men is impossible if you don’t know how to forgive yourself and others. Some people have so much bitterness inside them that it radiates everywhere they go. A bitter heart hardly produces sweet results.

d.      Let Christ Be in your Heart… Not just your Head: Funny right? We live in a world where we have more Christians and less people living like Christ. It is pertinent that you know the difference. Don’t spend so much time looking like a Christian and little time in being a Christian. When you focus on being like Christ, it would show in everything you do… You won’t try to dress, Talk, Walk, or Work like a Christian, and you will do so effortlessly without stress and conscious effort.  When Christ is truly the Lord of your life, you’d begin to see life from an entirely different perspective; going to church, reading your Bible, Praying, Evangelizing and stuffs will happen naturally. God wants more than anything to glory in your life. He wants to brag about you like he did with Job… Forget about the past, He has a beautiful plan for your future. He wants to do in your life that which no mortal can. Trust Him… He didn’t keep you safe till this time to now turn his back on you… You are too precious in His sight. 

Conclusively, living a successful & fulfilling life is not impossible.  There are people all over the world who are not as blessed as you that are living and fulfilling their destinies. You can be one of them too. Let these simple words of mine guild you and sooner than later, we would have cause to celebrate together. 

                                                                                                                               … Airhunuoje Michael

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About Me

Airhunuoje Michael is a young Entrepreneur from Otuo, Owan East Edo State. A Graduate of Political Science & Public Administration from the University of Benin; he is also an Alumni of Daystar Leadership Academy, led by Pst. Sam Adeyemi. In 2008, he was a part of a team of young Nigerians that designed and submitted a Reality Show Program on ReBranding Nigeria to the then Minister Of Information Late. Dr. Dora Akunyilli . His experience working with Bunmi Davies as the Brand Manager at Afrotainment Production; Producers of Nigeria’s No1 Family Comedy Show “Stand Up Nigeria”, completely sets him apart as an ace in the field of Branding and Publicity.