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Tuesday 5 June 2018


Ebadan Ayodeji 
Dear Agbara residents,
As if we are not having enough troubles from this irresponsible government, thev have now employed some touts who put on brown uniform and cook up spurious allegations/offences against people, take them to one shack around the Sewage area and extort 10 - 15k from them.
Please if you live or work around here, let's have a forum in the comments section on what we can do legally
I'm looking for action takers, who can create time, for us to work on this menace together.
This government guys are WACK! And that task force "IGR strategy" is all over South West, peculiar to APC government.
But Agbara is my domain and I think this should not slide.
Let's talk. Ise ya

While Resdients in the area are still battling with the menance of VIO who mount illegal chek points and extort from motorists, especially on market days; now we have to still contend with this TASK FORCE! When I saw this on a facebooker's wall, I knew the earlier something is done, the better for all residents of Agbara/Atan metropolis. 
Which sane government will be setting up tasks force everywhere when the roads are bad? Is this the kind of Legacy Senator Ibikunle Amosun want to leave for the people of Ogun State?

Written by Ajayi Babatunde

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Airhunuoje Michael is a young Entrepreneur from Otuo, Owan East Edo State. A Graduate of Political Science & Public Administration from the University of Benin; he is also an Alumni of Daystar Leadership Academy, led by Pst. Sam Adeyemi. In 2008, he was a part of a team of young Nigerians that designed and submitted a Reality Show Program on ReBranding Nigeria to the then Minister Of Information Late. Dr. Dora Akunyilli . His experience working with Bunmi Davies as the Brand Manager at Afrotainment Production; Producers of Nigeria’s No1 Family Comedy Show “Stand Up Nigeria”, completely sets him apart as an ace in the field of Branding and Publicity.