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Wednesday 22 October 2014




Yes! I’m still sane and I aint a flirt like R.kelly… This is an erroneous notion that most sharp bad guyz have used and are still using in taking advantage of ladies. A relationship is like attending secondary school, at the end of the day its NOT everybody that must enter the UNIVERSITY; some can go to colleges of education, polytechnics or other training institutions. Dating as it is; is a process of getting to understand somebody better… It’s a time to know if you are compatible with the individual you claim to love/like as the case may be. If that person turns out to be who you feel is perfect for you, Congrats n Thank your Stars. If the reverse is the case, be glad and grateful that you discovered the true personel of that person on time; definitely, there would be unique things about yourself that you must have discovered in the time you were together. The fact that you don’t fit with the person doesn’t mean the person is bad, it simply means that that person is not the RIGHT one for you. (Or would you rather get married to somebody that would treat you like trash, just because you’ve dated that person for years?)
Someone might quickly ask… So where is the place of LOVE when dating? Love has and will continually be complex term for those that spend most times watching Nigeria movies (no offence to NollyWood o!) ;  but it’s simple. The fact that you choose to get close to someone is a sign that you can love that person. Love comes in different form. Some people love immediately; however for others, it takes a period of time, anyway, no matter the kind of person you are when it comes to love, TIME is essence if any relationship
must last.
Dating is an essential process that must not be traded with anything else, yet we must be matured to keep an open mind to it. An open mind simply means you are hoping for the best, but preparing for the worst.


This is something that many of us miss out when dating; we erroneously believe that we must live to please our partners… That is totally wrong. It is not proper that you throw away your life, goals, visions and dreams just because of someone you are dating. True love is selfless; and not selfish. Its only selfishness that would make you insists that a person lives according to your description. By the way, who the h*ll do you think you are to re-configure someone's life that you didn't create?
Mr A is Living his life, If Mrs B like the kind of life Mr A is doing, what she can do is help him be the BEST Mr A on earth and not try to convert him to the best MR B, but for a fact, PEOPLE DON'T CHANGE; TIME JUST HELPS TO REVEAL OUR TRUE SELF. 
Your partner should help your discover the best part in being YOU and not constantly trying to CHANGE you into someone else that you are. This CHANGE issue has been one of the basic mistakes that individuals make that eventually leads to break up in a relationship.
I overheard a girl begging her boyfriend over the phone saying:

Girl: Baby what else do you want me to do? I've done so many things just to please you, yet you are not satisfied.
Boy: You see that's the point; I don't want you to do anything to please me, just live your life… I don’t wanna owe you anything. Live your life, and if I like that life, we can be together, if not, we go our different paths. 
Well, that’s the simple truth. Never forget that you still have a LIFE.. 

live your life not to please anybody but a life that you would enjoy living.....stay smart*shine your eye* because love is blind

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Airhunuoje Michael is a young Entrepreneur from Otuo, Owan East Edo State. A Graduate of Political Science & Public Administration from the University of Benin; he is also an Alumni of Daystar Leadership Academy, led by Pst. Sam Adeyemi. In 2008, he was a part of a team of young Nigerians that designed and submitted a Reality Show Program on ReBranding Nigeria to the then Minister Of Information Late. Dr. Dora Akunyilli . His experience working with Bunmi Davies as the Brand Manager at Afrotainment Production; Producers of Nigeria’s No1 Family Comedy Show “Stand Up Nigeria”, completely sets him apart as an ace in the field of Branding and Publicity.