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Sunday 19 October 2014

#InspireSunday: Overcoming the Monster Called FEAR

One of the oldest and most natural feelings in man is fear. Fear can be described as a feeling of danger from something or someone. It is an acknowledgement of a potential harm to one's being. In our world today, fear is one thing that prevents people from living their lives to the fullest. It prevents us from trying.

One battle that every successful person you know today had to fight and overcome was the battle against fear. If you can win this battle; life would be much easier.

There are a few ways I think we can overcome Fear.

1. Be mindful of what you hear/read: Man was born as a tabular raza... meaning: Empty Slate. Experiences and information makes us who we are; therefore your level of fear is determined by the kind of things you hear and listen to constantly.
Practical Example: Illuminati! Yes. Some hearts beat at the mention of the name, others just think about Satan and darkness; the fact is this, whether it is real or not. It's not my (your) business. All we should care about is that excellence and hard work pays. Whether you want to be a star or a successful business man or politician, when you apply the right principles, you will definitely succeed (abi Dangote na illuminati?). Reading about such things or watching movies about such issues does nothing but put fear in your spirit.

2. Believe in yourself:

At one point or the other in a man's life, one may think that he is not good enough. After trying for a long while, we are tempted to give up because we believe that we can't do it. The fact that a person fixes nail on the wall does not mean he is a carpenter. Yes, you have tried and failed, but that doesn't mean you are a failure. Actually, failing is a stage of the success chain. If you don't fail at a stage, you may never be successful; and if you see yourself as a failure then Success is far from your doorstep. Our creator did not create us to fail in life. Come to think of it, your creator knew you can succeed at a time like this that's why you are alive in this generation. Don't you think it’s wrong for your creator to believe in you while you don't believe yourself?
To win the battle against fear and take charge of your life, you must believe in yourself and keep trying.

3. It’s a mirage:

I guess on Facebook and some social sites, you might have come across certain pictures that become different when you look at them from a different perspective. That's what happens with fear also. From a perspective, you think that that issue is insurmountable; it may look undefeatable, but always remember, before a problem ever arises, the solution has been made. There is a solution to that issue; all you need to do is look at it from a different dimension. Leave the box you are in, think outside and you'd find that the solution is right before your eyes.

Conclusively, fear in itself is not wrong, but yielding to it would shortchange you. Be very careful about the things you read and hear. Nowadays, I'm very cautious of the news I take into my heart, Yes it’s good to be informed, but is better to be less informed about good news than more informed about bad ones. Bad news sells faster, but the fact is that it only breeds fear in the human soul. You are not a failure, if you were; you would have 'failed' from birth.

If you can overcome death by being alive today, why can’t you overcome that challenge that is serving as a stumbling block in your life? When you believe in yourself, people would believe in you. The only thing that is real in your life is your SUCCESS. Every other thing is a mirage, fake, and an illusion. The challenges you see are to test your desire and determination.

Fear stops only those that want to be stopped. Arise from your fear, and be the great man your creator made you to be.

Have a Great Week Ahead!!!

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Airhunuoje Michael is a young Entrepreneur from Otuo, Owan East Edo State. A Graduate of Political Science & Public Administration from the University of Benin; he is also an Alumni of Daystar Leadership Academy, led by Pst. Sam Adeyemi. In 2008, he was a part of a team of young Nigerians that designed and submitted a Reality Show Program on ReBranding Nigeria to the then Minister Of Information Late. Dr. Dora Akunyilli . His experience working with Bunmi Davies as the Brand Manager at Afrotainment Production; Producers of Nigeria’s No1 Family Comedy Show “Stand Up Nigeria”, completely sets him apart as an ace in the field of Branding and Publicity.