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Sunday 23 November 2014

#InspireSunday WHO IS YOUR GOD?


The term IDOLATRY is derived from the word IDOL. In itself, an IDOL can be described as anything/anyone that is well revered, admired and worship. The English dictionary describes it as “A graven image or representation of anything that is revered or believed to convey spiritual powers”. 

From a layman view, when we here the term IDOL, our first point of reason is usually the Village or Traditional powers; but from the definition earlier stated, we can boldly say that IDOLATRY is way beyond that.
If we critically look at the society today, we would see that we have so many idolaters who are not even aware that they have an idol in their lives.

Here are few tips to know if you are an IDOLATER or NOT: 

a.    YOUR RELIGIOUS LEADER IS PERFECT: Aha! Got someone’s attention there! If as an individual you cannot see any weakness in the life or ministry of your religious leader, I think you should pause and think. Although God expects his children to be PERFECT, but as long as we are on earth, we can only but keep WALKING/ WORKING towards perfection.  When you hold the notion that the person leading you cannot make a mistake, then you have moved him/her from being a humane to being a “god”. Directly or indirectly you have become an IDOLATER

b.    WHEN YOU ARE READY TO SHED BLOOD: One of the key ingredients for any ritual is BLOOD. If you find out that you are willingly and ready to shed another person’s blood just to fulfill the desires or wishes of an individual, know for sure that that individual has become your god.  Political fanatics are mostly guilty in this regard. They are easily brainwashed to inflict pain on an opposition just for their “god” to attain a particular height.

c.    WITHOUT HIM/HER YOU ARE INCOMPLETE: Love is a beautiful thing; but when not controlled, it can become a terrible thing. Certain people get so attached to family, friends, loved ones, work or groups that without it/them, they are incomplete. That shouldn't be. Anything or Anyone that would make you lose your senses or sense of direction in its absence is nothing less than a god in your life.  Young people mostly fall culprit in this regard. *

d.    IF IT’S YOUR ONLY SOURCE OF HAPPINESS OR SUCCOR : When Saul was tormented by evil spirits, David Strings brought comfort to his soul (1st Samuel 16:23); that it understandable; however, if the only thing that gets you excited and happy is a person, event, TV Program, or activity, please know that that thing or activity is becoming your god. Yea, you may want to ask, is it a crime to have a Passion? Absolutely NOT, we all should be passionate about something, but what passion brings is way deeper than what Happiness does. Passion brings peace not necessarily happiness. Happiness can come up easily without peace. Its a thin line, but the line exists.

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Airhunuoje Michael is a young Entrepreneur from Otuo, Owan East Edo State. A Graduate of Political Science & Public Administration from the University of Benin; he is also an Alumni of Daystar Leadership Academy, led by Pst. Sam Adeyemi. In 2008, he was a part of a team of young Nigerians that designed and submitted a Reality Show Program on ReBranding Nigeria to the then Minister Of Information Late. Dr. Dora Akunyilli . His experience working with Bunmi Davies as the Brand Manager at Afrotainment Production; Producers of Nigeria’s No1 Family Comedy Show “Stand Up Nigeria”, completely sets him apart as an ace in the field of Branding and Publicity.