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Friday 27 November 2015


Check This Out, Thank Me Later!!!

Experiencing the Hand of God on the Altar of Praise is the promise God made to us when He commissioned us to gather a thousand people to worship Him.

I'm more than positive, because God cannot lie, that as we praise and worship God on Sunday, the 29th of November, at All Seasons Multipurpose Hall Area 4, Opic Estate, Diya gate by3pm, we will experience diverse healings, deliverance, salvation and divine manifestation of God's presence.
The highlight of this gathering is the Throne room experience. Expect Grace as Yetunde Are, Funmi Agboola, Pastor Ayodeji, Laolu and the concert team will be ministering. (Convener)

Thursday 19 November 2015


Around 8am today 19th of Nov 2015, Men of the Underworld carried out a well planned attack at three different banks. Zenith, Diamond & GTB.

Its indeed a sad day as some lives were lost.

Speechless at the moment. The pictures should tell u the rest of the story. 

Tuesday 17 November 2015


Check This Out, Thank Me Later!!!

Have You Ever Worshiped God  to that Point that you Lost Track of Time?
How Grateful are you to God for Bringing you this far?
What Does WORSHIP Mean to You as a Person???

This Event is Something you cannot afford to Miss.
Plan to Attend and Tell Someone about this too.
God Bless You!
Free Transportation from Agbara & Lusada Bus Stops.
Call 07064403244 for More Details.

Thursday 12 November 2015

#BookReview UNCHURCHED By Emeka Nobis

Check This Out, Thank Me Later!!!

Its Being a While I read a Book that is this enlightening. A book that reveals deep truths in a way that even the guilty parties dont feel offended but humble enough to want to change.

I recommend this book for every young Nigerian, For PASTORS and CHURCH LEADERS.

God Bless Mr. Emeka Nobis for Creating this Priceless Piece. 

#MovieReview Cristiano RONALDO ...

Check This Out, Thank Me Later!!!

When I heard that a Biopic Movie was being done on the Portuguese International Cristiano Ronaldo, I was left with Mixed Feelings… 
Is he planning on changing careers soon or is it another publicity stunt to gain more popularity. Some people think it’s a move to win people’s hearts in anticipation for the next FIFA d’ballon Awards. 

Well, Whats your Opinion?  


Check This Out, Thank Me Later!!!

#Entrepreneurs Before You Quit Your Day Job

Check This Out, Thank Me Later!!!

                    According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, an Entrepreneur is “a person who starts a business and is willingly to risk loss in order to make money.
 It also defines the term as “One who organizes, manages, and assumes the risks of a business or enterprise.  The word Originated from an old French word “entreprendre” which means enterprise.
In my own words, anyone that can meet a need (Products/Services) and be rewarded for it is an entrepreneur. 



Life is a teacher, the more we live, the higher our chances of learning. The few years I spent on this earth are good enough to let me know that the biggest downfall of a man begins when he starts a business with family.  For the purpose of this piece permit me to define family as – Anyone who is closely knitted to another individual over a long period of time, and has access to the individuals public and private life.
Many promising business have gone down the drain over the years because a naïve individual decided to bring FAMILY into the business.  

Quickly I will give you few reasons why you should NEVER allow family near your business. 

1.     ABSENCE OF PROFESSIONALISM: Except you want to remain a small player in your business, you can never really achieve professionalism in a business that family is involved in. The term FAMILIARITY BREEDS COMTEMPT is better demonstrated in this regard.  A wife who addresses her husband as ‘HONEY’ at home may find it extremely difficult, if not impossible to refer to the same man as ‘BOSS’ or ‘SIR’ in the business environment. Any attempt for the Man who is the CEO of the company to correct his wife who happens to be the PRO or hold a lesser position in the company may lead to unnecessary friction on the home front.

2.     ACCOUNTABILITY ISSUES: Working with or for family can become very tiring when the issue of accountability arises. A younger brother who works with or for his older brother in a business may not be fully accountable because he believes his brother should TRUST him with the accounts. Searching for clarification from the younger brother may spring up issues of trust within the family; it becomes more complex when both individuals are from a polygamous family.

3.     PENALITIES: Intertwined with accountability is PENALITY. When laws are broken, or there happens to be a breach of contract, delivering a verdict on the accused or defaulter can indeed be a herculean task; especially in the African setting. How can a Man lock up his OWN BLOOD BROTHER in jail because he stole #50,000.? Yet the people forget that they business itself may not even be worth up to that.

4.     FAVORATISM: This is very common in many African businesses; upon retirement a man puts his first son in charge as the CEO, when there are better qualified MD’s that could effectively take over. This action in itself brings inner conflict in the organization, dividing the company into Pro New CEO, and team LOYAL to OLD MD’s. After a short while, the company folds up because of disunity. Having family in business can prevent the top organization from making the right decisions at times. 

5.     SECURITY RISK:  90% of robbers always confess that they have an inside man that gives them information about their target. Who best to serve as an informant than your “Family”? We all know that the average African man is not happy about his brothers progress, so rather than work to increase his brother’s wealth, he is eager to bring the brother ‘DOWN’. Having a family know about your accounts, business deals, and expenditure is the fastest way to allow men of the underworld into your home.

Conclusively the business world is a serious one, and to succeed, you must be able to draw the line between your BUSINESS and your FAMILY.  Understand that having a family is not a guarantee for building a successful business empire. Search for individuals with the best skills and qualifications to enhance your business.

#Gospel “Heaven Helps Those Who Help Themselves”

“Heaven Helps those who helps themselves” is a common saying we are most times quick to say when we want to play smart. On the surface, the saying may seem ok; often times, some people even quote it as a biblical reference. The thing albeit is that… IT IS NOT A SCRIPTURAL STATEMENT. 

We are living in a fast paced world, and the world in itself is systematically infiltrating the church. Common sense is gradually taking the place of God’s wisdom in our lives, that’s why we find many children of God living life like Common men and even dying like one. This ought not to be so.

The fallacy of this statement is best described by the story of Father Abraham (Gen 16); who tried to help heaven by sleeping with Sarai’s Maid called Haggai. Sarai who was thinking like a common man even after knowing about the promise of God for her husband, thought it wise to Help God fulfill his word. How foolish her decision turned out to be in the long run. Her “Common Sense” decision begat one of the biggest rivalry in the world today (Israel & Pakistan).  But for the mercies of God and the Righteousness of her husband Abraham, Sarai would have died a barren woman; not because God didn’t love her, but because she tried to help God with her common sense.

Not everyone can come out as lucky as Sarai; King Saul wasn’t able to (1st Samuel 15). In his case, he thought he could help God help his people. He believed so much in his abilities strength and wisdom that he found it almost difficult to completely trust and obey God. He was always second guessing, contemplating and using his own common sense to handle matters rather than trusting in God’s divine ability. His common sense thinking cost him and his generation the throne and kingship of Israel. How pathetic!

Today, many of us sometimes find ourselves in Sarai & Saul’s shoes; where we feel God is too slow or non functional. Sometimes we are pressured by the society to think that we are behind, to think that we are NOT doing something right. But then, we must remember that at some point in life, it is NOT always about us but about GOD. It wasn’t Zachariah’s lack of faith that didn’t make him have a child at his youth… It was God’s Design that he (Zachariah) will be the Father of John the Baptist the fore runner of our Lord Jesus Christ (What a sweet privilege!). It wasn’t any sin that Joseph committed that landed him in the Pit or in Potipher’s prison; rather it was God’s way of building his integrity, strength and Value towards his becoming a Prime Minister in a foreign land (Awesome!). 

We need to learn to trust and be patient with God.  He wants the best for you and me. His delighted in our success, therefore he wants us to succeed and be victorious even more than we want it for ourselves.  Christianity is not a thing of common sense… because only those that are led by the spirit of God can truly be called the sons of God. Ask yourself quickly… What Spirit is leading me? 

Think about this quickly, if you can help yourself, what do you need heaven for? Or is your problem/ challenge/ situation/ issue too strong for heaven that heaven would need mere mortal to proffer a solution? God is still at the business of doing Good. 


God Bless You


Check This Out, Thank Me Later!!!

Many Arrested, many injured and a few rumored dead, thanks to the protest for a Country called BIAFRA. The question left in many minds is this: Should it be allowed or not allowed to be?

One factor that majorly sparked off this protests was the arrests of the frontier of the movement… Nnamdi Kanu. Kanu who has been based in the UK is the director of a Radio network called Radio Biafra and overtime been sensitizing Ndi’ Igbos over the world. According to the Federal government, He was constantly dishing out HATE messages and inciting a movement for segregation from the Nigerian State.
But there are more Questions to ask:

1.      WHO IS NNAMDI KANU?: From the little I’ve read about him, he is an intelligent person who has been able to create a name for himself by selecting a salient issue in Nigeria history to dwell upon. From his broadcast and comments so far, it is obvious that he is also quite privileged. To be able to study, Live and work successfully in the UK, his financial stability cannot be undermined. The more reason why he could afford to set up a Radio Station solely meant for Inciting Violence and Hate. Aside from that, He has little or no significant history. He has not Built One Road in any part of Eastern Nigeria, He has not Built any Hospital… He hasn’t shown any major sign of Patriotism towards Nigeria or people from eastern Nigeria. All he has done is Talk.

2.      WHAT DO THESE PROTESTERS REALLY WANT? : The Protest began with “Release Kanu” to “we want to go!” Where do they want to go?  Are they saying that The Nigerian Government is oppressing them? Are they saying that Nigeria as a State discriminates against them? Are they saying that someone from the East cannot Eat, Sleep, or Walk/Work where any other Nigerian Walk/ Works? What Are they Really Saying? They must truly define their goals. There must be a justifiable reason for any protest to be seen as serious.

3.      Who Will Lead this “New Nation?” Years ago when the true call of Biafra arose, there were MEN of timber and iroko! Men like Lt. Col. Chukwuemeka Ojukwu were not just strong mentally; they were strong physically and financially. Strong enough to war against the Nigerian state for about 3 years. Without being “DEFEATED”. In this present Nigeria, there are but a few men who have risen from the East to acclaim National and Global Respect. Politically, the majority of the players Sold their Political will to The PDP led government, thereby making them seemingly inconsequential in this APC led government (whose fault is that?).  At the moment, many governors from the Eastern part of Nigeria are not in OPEN support of these agitations. So, before more agitations are made, this question of leadership must be answered. 

What Should PMB’s response to these agitations be?

Everyone person that takes up a placard to protest is inspired by two things… Money or Information. For a long while since the time of GEJ, The minds of many Nigerians from Eastern origin have been poisoned by wrong ideas and philosophies. PMB needs to find a way to Cut the source of this misinformation. However, the method of “Cutting” is what matters. Rather than “Arrest & Detain” without taking to court, the government should first bring to focus and to the eyes of the populace, the error of the information being passed by the Radio Biafra. 

When the society is well informed it would be difficult for anyone to cry foul. Actually, many did not know so much about these agitations till the arrest was made. 

WAY FORWARD: PMB’s led government should not try to crush this movement with FORCE… because it’s an internal issue; any act of violence meted to any protester or agitator is an injury on Nigeria itself.
Additionally, the government should not IGNORE… Hoping it dies a Natural death. Even if it wants to die, there are elements within and outside the country that won’t want it to die. Therefore IGNORING is not an option. 

The best way out is to ENGAGE. Have a sit out with these agitators, try to understand their demands and carefully but sternly state that which is possible and that which is not.
One thing that is for sure is this… NIGERIA remains and will Remain ONE!!!

                                                                                                                      ...Dio Bambino


OFFICIAL NUSIANCE... When Law Enforcers become Law Breakers!!!


They were set up as an institution to serve the public and make life easier for the masses unfortunately; they have drifted away from their core purpose and are now becoming a nuisance. 

If you’ve ever had cause to go to Any of the Banks on “Bank Road” in Agbara, you will have an idea about what am talking about. As I passed by on one particular day, the bike man who was wearing the Agbara Okada Riders vest was immediately told to Parkkk!!! The next thing the Policeman asked was… What is your number? He turned round to check his plate number when the Policeman laughed and said… “So you dey new for here abi? Oya Bring your money come make I give you number, so that you no go pay me next time you pass here. “

I grew up to see a Police force that takes bribe, but seeing Okada men being oppressed just because they want to make a living; it’s simply not right. 
When Agbara Estate Resident Association (AERA) made an appeal for a Mobile Police Tank to be positioned in that environment, it was meant to serve as a preventive course for arm robbery, so while they protect the Residents living in the estate, they also protect the banks too.
I want to believe that all the Banks within that area (at least 15) pay monthly security levy to these Policemen, additionally, AERA also pays them… Why then do they still take bribe from innocent motorists? It’s totally unfair.  
They are not the only ones guilty of this too, just by the Estate Shopping mall; there are two Policemen who also harass Okada men also. A few days ago, I saw one of them Smoking on duty while ordering a bike man to “Park & Settle”. I was ashamed and angry at the same time. What has our Police Force turned into?

In case you don’t understand what am saying… Coz as a Big Boi! You don’t use Okada, I think you might have experienced something unpleasant in the hands of these other set of people… the Vehicle Inspector Officer (VIO). Apart of its weird acronym, am still trying to get my head around the real function of this group of people. From my research, they are suppose to make sure only Vehicles that are duly registered access our roads; the sad news now is that they have left that and are more concerned with taking bribes from commercial motorists. Even private car/bus owners are not speared too from this humiliation. One will think that because their uniform is made up of White, they will be more responsible, but that’s far from the reality. 
Now they have discovered that the best way to make money is on Market Days, “Lusada Market” and ‘Agbara Market”. They position themselves at the bad spots on the road and continue their nuisance. 
Many even drink “Shekpe” “Ogogoro” on duty. 
Law enforcement officers like the Police and VIO are paid by the government through tasks payers money, therefore they should be more concerned with serving the people than cursing their future with bribes from Nigerians who are hustling to make ends meet.
I pray those in authority looks into these issues soon. 

                                                                                                                                    Concerned Nigerian


We are the Kings of Branding & Advertising

About Me

Airhunuoje Michael is a young Entrepreneur from Otuo, Owan East Edo State. A Graduate of Political Science & Public Administration from the University of Benin; he is also an Alumni of Daystar Leadership Academy, led by Pst. Sam Adeyemi. In 2008, he was a part of a team of young Nigerians that designed and submitted a Reality Show Program on ReBranding Nigeria to the then Minister Of Information Late. Dr. Dora Akunyilli . His experience working with Bunmi Davies as the Brand Manager at Afrotainment Production; Producers of Nigeria’s No1 Family Comedy Show “Stand Up Nigeria”, completely sets him apart as an ace in the field of Branding and Publicity.