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Monday 24 November 2014


Tooth pain happens when the nerve is inflamed. Generally this occurs due to compromised enamel which is allowing material
to enter directly into the pulp (the center of your tooth). This is primarily caused by the process of demineralization - the loss of minerals from your teeth. This makes your enamel weak, which eventually leads to pain and inflammation.

Dab some clove oil directly on your bad tooth. Clove oil has remarkable bacteria slaying properties and also has a numbing 
effect, which is why it's a long time folk remedy for toothache.

Today we know that this extract from the clove bud contains eugenol, which acts as a local anesthetic. The oil may sting at first, but then blissful relief sets in.

If you don't have any cloves, make a paste of powered ginger and red (cayenne) pepper. Pour the powered ingredients in the bottom of a cup, and then add a drop or two of water to make the paste. 
Roll a small ball of cotton into enough paste to saturate it, and place it on your painful tooth.
(This can irritate the gums, so keep the cotton on the tooth.) In addition to using the spices together, you.
can try them separately. Either one can help relieve tooth pain.

                          STAY HEALTHY….. REMEMBER HEALTH IS WEALTH


·       * The art of resting the mind and the power of dismissing from it all care and worry is probably one of the secrets of energy in our great men. 

·       * Nothing is permanent in this wicked world - not even our troubles.
·       Sometimes the cure for restlessness is rest

   * Put duties aside at least an hour before bed and perform soothing, quiet activities that will help you relax.

           *No matter how much pressure you feel at work, if you could find ways to relax for at least five minutes every hour, you'd be more productive.

·       *There is no need to go to India or anywhere else to find peace. You will find that deep place of silence right in your room, your garden or even your bathtub

·       *We have to fight them daily, like fleas, those many small worries about the morrow, for they sap our energies. 

·       *Light be the earth upon you, lightly rest.

·       *If a man insisted always on being serious, and never allowed himself a bit of fun and relaxation, he would go mad or become unstable without knowing it. 

·       *I take it that what all men are really after is some form or perhaps only some formula of peace. 

·       *If you can attain repose and calm, believe that you have seized happiness. 

·       *Stress is an ignorant state. It believes that everything is an emergency.

    *Nothing is that important

·       *Take a rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. 

·       *Learning to ignore things is one of the great paths to inner peace. 

*  * Rest so as not to fast forward your journey to the place of no return.



One thing that makes Africa and Africans special is our love and respect for FAMILY. The African society prides itself  with the institution of family. This in itself has positively affected our lifestyles including our businesses.

Quickly we would examine few reasons why we MUST involve family in our businesses.

1.       EASY START UP: The fastest way to start any business is taking full advantage of the family line. Over time many great entrepreneurs started multinational organizations by using their Spouses, brothers, sisters, and children as Receptionist, Cleaners, Marketers and many more.   Even in the church business, a Pastor wife can be the Women’s Leader, Assistant Pastor, Treasurer, Choir Leader and even the Sanitation Unit Leader. All these can be possible because most times the love shared by family makes it easier for them to believe and support your dream without any direct plan for a reward.  Many people support or help businesses only when they have seen it thriving, however family is always ready to help… As long as they have faith in you.

2.       ENHANCES UNITY:  In dealing with humans, there is a tendency for people to err and offend each other, however when Family is involved in a particular business, their bond becomes stronger. Minor challenges are forgiven and forgotten all because of the growth and success of the business. The facts that they both have something bigger than their ego, or pride to protect will make them settle disputes quickly and amicably.

3.       INCREASES LOVE: There is nothing as pleasant as working with/for someone you love. Working with a family breeds an atmosphere of love and where there is love there is higher possibility for higher productivity. The working atmosphere most times affects the productivity of the workers. A work environment filled with hate and bitterness can never produce good results.  

4.       CONTINUITY: What will be a man’s gain if he spends years building a business empire without a sure plan for continuity? The best people to live a dream are does closet to the owner of the dream. To ensure that your sweat and labor is not tarnished or forgotten, it is important that family is involved in the business you are into. With family, you can be assured that the founding Principles, Traditions and Goals of the business would be upheld. This is way better than having a stranger coming to reconstruct a foundation you have already laid.

5.       SECURITY: in today’s business world, TRUST is very scarce if not absent. Many people cannot be trusted; however, its remains safer to trust Family than an outsider. Sometimes in the course of running our businesses we may be tempted to delegate certain financial transaction to others. Delegating to family is less risky because you know the root of that family member; unlike an outsider that you have no clear idea of his/her past except for their CV.

Business is good, but a man with family has more wealth. To build a great generational business empire, it is important you carefully integrate your family to your business. When this done, you can be sure that your business would thrive successfully with or without your direct presence.

Sunday 23 November 2014

Trumpet PR : #InspireSunday WHO IS YOUR GOD?

Trumpet PR : #InspireSunday WHO IS YOUR GOD?: IDOLATRY The term IDOLATRY is derived from the word IDOL. In itself, an IDOL can be described as anything/anyone that is well rever...

#InspireSunday WHO IS YOUR GOD?


The term IDOLATRY is derived from the word IDOL. In itself, an IDOL can be described as anything/anyone that is well revered, admired and worship. The English dictionary describes it as “A graven image or representation of anything that is revered or believed to convey spiritual powers”. 

From a layman view, when we here the term IDOL, our first point of reason is usually the Village or Traditional powers; but from the definition earlier stated, we can boldly say that IDOLATRY is way beyond that.
If we critically look at the society today, we would see that we have so many idolaters who are not even aware that they have an idol in their lives.

Here are few tips to know if you are an IDOLATER or NOT: 

a.    YOUR RELIGIOUS LEADER IS PERFECT: Aha! Got someone’s attention there! If as an individual you cannot see any weakness in the life or ministry of your religious leader, I think you should pause and think. Although God expects his children to be PERFECT, but as long as we are on earth, we can only but keep WALKING/ WORKING towards perfection.  When you hold the notion that the person leading you cannot make a mistake, then you have moved him/her from being a humane to being a “god”. Directly or indirectly you have become an IDOLATER

b.    WHEN YOU ARE READY TO SHED BLOOD: One of the key ingredients for any ritual is BLOOD. If you find out that you are willingly and ready to shed another person’s blood just to fulfill the desires or wishes of an individual, know for sure that that individual has become your god.  Political fanatics are mostly guilty in this regard. They are easily brainwashed to inflict pain on an opposition just for their “god” to attain a particular height.

c.    WITHOUT HIM/HER YOU ARE INCOMPLETE: Love is a beautiful thing; but when not controlled, it can become a terrible thing. Certain people get so attached to family, friends, loved ones, work or groups that without it/them, they are incomplete. That shouldn't be. Anything or Anyone that would make you lose your senses or sense of direction in its absence is nothing less than a god in your life.  Young people mostly fall culprit in this regard. *

d.    IF IT’S YOUR ONLY SOURCE OF HAPPINESS OR SUCCOR : When Saul was tormented by evil spirits, David Strings brought comfort to his soul (1st Samuel 16:23); that it understandable; however, if the only thing that gets you excited and happy is a person, event, TV Program, or activity, please know that that thing or activity is becoming your god. Yea, you may want to ask, is it a crime to have a Passion? Absolutely NOT, we all should be passionate about something, but what passion brings is way deeper than what Happiness does. Passion brings peace not necessarily happiness. Happiness can come up easily without peace. Its a thin line, but the line exists.

Saturday 22 November 2014


All I can say is THANK YOU!

For giving Nigerians a LISTENING EAR... THANK YOU!
For being a FRIEND to lonely Hearts... THANK YOU!
For speaking the TRUTH even when it hurts our ears... THANK YOU!
For answering the call of God to SERVE humanity... THANK YOU!
For bringing a DIFFERENT touch to the RadioWaves... THANK YOU!
For helping to Heal Broken Hearts... THANK YOU!
For giving HOPE to the HOPELESS... THANK YOU!

In Life you were a Motivation
In Death you are an Inspiration.

Sleep Well Mr. Charles Bruce Chukuma a.k.a CHAZ B.


It was indeed a day of Joy, Celebration and Glamour as Miss Obaze Blessing Isioma becomes ONE with Engr. Habib Raymond Omozuapo . (TPN was there live to give u glimpse of the marriage ceremony)

The Whole of TPN wishes Mr & Mrs Raymond Omozuapo a Happy Married Life.

Thursday 20 November 2014

The RISE of SammyVoice... The YinBaba Master!!!

TPN (TrumpetPrNews) hooks up with Samuel Abogunrin popularly known as SAMMY VOICE; a fast rising Gospel musician.

Good day sir, how are you doing sir?

TPN: What’s your full name?  
SammyVoice: My full name is Samuel Abogunrin.

TPN: How did you come about the name Sammy Voice?
SammyVoice: Actually I had wanted to use SAMSONG as my stage name but as I was watching the TV one day I heard someone talking and he said his stage name was Samsung, so I went back to God in prayer and he dropped the name Sammy voice in my mind and I adopted the name since then.

TPN : Tell us a brief history of your family background.
SammyVoice: Am fortunate to be born into a God-fearing home; and this has really helped me stay focused in my music career

TPN: How did you start your music?
SammyVoice: I started` music in JSS 1 as a brigade boy playing the trumpet and I can also play the talking drum (gan gan) and also I’m a good vocalist, I became the brigade master while in secondary school and the NYSC music band leader In my service year, I later joined Dele Crown (the duke of gospel music) band.

TPN : When did you start your musical career?
SammyVoice: I started my Musical career in 2007, I was performing in churches and gospel oriented events.

TPN: What inspired you to go into music?
SammyVoice: God inspired me to go into music.

TPN: Did you ever join any choir in the church?
SammyVoice: Yes, I joined my church choir.

TPN: Your voice sounds sonorous, did you attend any vocal training school ?
SammyVoice: No, I have never attended any vocal training or coaching school; but as I am taking my music to a professional level, am going to engage in personal voice exercise to keep myself fit.

TPN: Which song was your first single?
SammyVoice: Hmmmm actually my first single is YIN BABA.

TPN: Are you in any relationship?

SammyVoice: Yes, I have a fiancée.

TPN: You said you are a graduate, what do u intend to do with your certificate?
SammyVoice: Well I have worked with Airtel, MTN and I am presently working with MUTUAL BENEFIT INSURANCE as a marketer.

TPN: What was your most embarrassing moment?
SammyVoice: Well as a human, things like that are expected to happen, let’s just thank God for his infinite mercy and grace.

TPN: Did your parents agree with you doing music?
SammyVoice: I come from a music oriented family but they never wanted me to take music as a profession at the initial stage but later on, they believed in my vision and support me when they can.

TPN: How have you been coping so far in the gospel music industry?
SammyVoice: It hasn’t been easy I must say but God has been helping us, we thank God.

TPN: If I may ask, how old are you?
SammyVoice: I am in my late twenties.

TPN: Do you write your songs and compose them?
SammyVoice: Yes, I write all of my songs and I compose them by myself too.
Please I will like to tell everybody to continue to support Gospel music, and please let’s all Endeavor to push the Good tidings of the Gospel.

ADVICE TO UPCOMING GOSPEL ARTISTS: Well I will like to congratulate them on their decision to do gospel music and I will also like to tell them that they should always add God to whatever they do and prayer is very important.

TO MY FANS: I will like to say thank you to my fans out there and that God will continue to bless you as you continue to support me. 




*Nokia was founded by a Finnish man named FREDRIK IDESTAM

*Nokia was named after a river named Nokiavirta which mean “marten” and the river was named after a small furry animal once found in the banks of that river named Nokia ,as time progresses the town adopted the name Nokia

*The company started as a wood pulp mill in the southern part of Finland named Tampere

* The Finnish cable and electronics business, The Finnish rubber works made up the Nokia corporation

*Nokia entered into mobile communication in 1963
*In 1992 Nokia launched its first GSM handset, the Nokia 1011

*Nokia was first to introduce car phones to the network, The mobira 450 car phone in 1982, portable mobira talk man in 1986.

*Nokia’s equipment was used to make the world's first Gsm phone call

*Nokia has it own railway station in 1895 and a telephone line cutting across the town of Tampere and Nokia, they got their catchphrase “connecting people” from these development

*Fredrik Idestam died in 1916 on April 8, Nokia manor as he was fondly called was excavated by some archaeologist who said the place has sign of some ancient activities

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Relationship is very broad just like a huge tree with many branches. Relationship can help build your life when you keep it healthy. A healthy relationship at times might be difficult and hard to keep because it’s all about giving and taking between you and your partner. When you look at the outcome you will be compel to give it all your efforts to make it work out.

A person who is stingy in emotions that wants all the  loving and caring from his/her partner without reciprocating anything in return will end up paddling a canoe to no destination. That relationship will become weak and tends to break up in a matter of time. In every Relationship the word SHARE is very important in demonstration towards that relationship so that it can become stronger and long lasting.

-        * Learn to be a good listener to your partner
-        * Forgiveness is very prominent in a relationship
-        * Share at all times your period of trials and happiness with your partner
-        * Dedicate your time for your partner
-        * Trust and understanding should be the host of your relationship
-        * Develop a good communication skills with your partner
-        *Try to always open up to your partner i.e no secret should be kept
       between you and your partner.
-        *Never leave serious issues unattended to.



Down at the bottom of the sea
 Imma stay down down
 I dont know  
 where the rest of the boat gonna take tonight
 Across these route
Verse – M.I
 Ok ok
 Hahaha hahaha
 Eh eh
 Sometimes you might see me in a range
 Looking fly but deep inside i am feeling pain
 Cos everywhere there’s pressure, i can feel the strain
 Me sef i be human being o
 Sometimes you might see me looking dope
 But there’s nothing in my bank account, the boy is broke
 Trying to meet demand, i swear it’s hard to cope
 And me sef i be human being o
 And someone help me tell Mr. no more loss
 When OJB was sick, it was hurting all of us
 Sometimes, even artiste(s) don’t have dough on us
 Cos we sef we be human being o
 And yea i bought myself a nicer car
 Cos how you arrive, that’s the price you are
 But if you’re wondering if i am struggling mehn, how right you are
 Me sef i be human being o

Chorus – 2Face
 The man in the mirror na you i wan talk about
 Before you dress up, start to waka-bout

About you them must talk about
 Cos you sef, you be human being o
 But keep on moving as a peaceful doubt
 Make you know say, e dey the round about
 The same circle, everybody dey about
 Cos you sef you be human being o
 Sometimes some people go dey shout
 Make you look them without a doubt
 Know say human being blood flow in them
 Them sef them be human being o
 As you dey drive about
 Drive for you and other people wey dey about
 Because crazeness full about
 Everybody, human being o

Verse – M.I
 Sometime, you say hello but my mood is down
 You try to take a picture, i might shoot it down
 Cos i am going through some issues, i can’t do it now
 Please understand that me sef be human being o
 I joined twitter so i could promote my art
 Some of these comments mehn, they nearly broke my heart
 And trying to be mature, i never spoke my part
 But i swear, me sef i be human being o
 See instagram be putting pressure on a dude
 Everybody is balling out, should i get into it
 Will they be disappointed when they look at you
 Mehn, me sef i be human being o
 Everything i do, i try to do my best
 Or make i no dey form like say i no dey mess
 Sometimes i am Sway, i ain’t got the answer: Kanye West
 I swear, me sef i be human being o

Chorus – 2Face
 The man in the mirror na you i wan talk about
 Before you dress up, start to waka-bout….awon aiye
 About you them must talk about
 Cos you sef, you be human being o….awon aiye
 But keep on moving as a peaceful doubt….eyin aiye
 Make you know say, e dey the round about….awon aiye
 The same circle, everybody dey about
 Cos you sef you be human being o….awon aiye
 Sometimes some people go dey shout….eyin aiye
 Make you look them without a doubt….awon aiye
 Know say human being blood flow in them
 Them sef them be human being o….awon aiye
 As you dey drive about….eyin aiye
 Drive for you and other people wey dey about….awon aiye
 Because crazeness full about
 Everybody, human being….awon aiye

 Somebody tell them say i cry….eyin aiye
 Somebody tell them say i hurt….awon aiye
 Somebody tell them say i grief, me sef i be human being….awon aiye
 Nothing wey you fit do to be right….eyin aiye
 Nothing wey you fit do to be good….awon aiye
 Nothing wey you fit do to be judge
 Me sef i be human being o….awon aiye
 Somebody tell them say i cry….eyin aiye
 Somebody tell them say i hurt….awon aiye
 Somebody tell them say i grief, me sef i be human being….awon aiye
 Nothing wey you fit do to be right….eyin aiye
 Nothing wey you fit do to be good….awon aiye
 Nothing wey you fit do to be judge
 Me sef i be human being o
 Somebody tell them say i cry
 Somebody tell them say i hurt
 Somebody tell them say i grief, me sef i be human being

 I am just a killer of dream
 Long long long gone
 But i am at the bottom of the ocean


We are the Kings of Branding & Advertising

About Me

Airhunuoje Michael is a young Entrepreneur from Otuo, Owan East Edo State. A Graduate of Political Science & Public Administration from the University of Benin; he is also an Alumni of Daystar Leadership Academy, led by Pst. Sam Adeyemi. In 2008, he was a part of a team of young Nigerians that designed and submitted a Reality Show Program on ReBranding Nigeria to the then Minister Of Information Late. Dr. Dora Akunyilli . His experience working with Bunmi Davies as the Brand Manager at Afrotainment Production; Producers of Nigeria’s No1 Family Comedy Show “Stand Up Nigeria”, completely sets him apart as an ace in the field of Branding and Publicity.