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Wednesday 16 August 2017


In Africa, saying I DO is usually easy, the real challenge comes when preparing for the wedding ceremony. Usually Couples do, INTRODUCTION / ENGAGEMENT CEREMONY, TRADITIONAL WEDDING and then the WHITE/CHURCH WEDDING.  One prevailing factor in these ceremonies is the need for a uniform cloth that would be worn on any of these ceremonies. 

Originally, the concept was ensuring that both
the close family and extended family can be differentiated through their wares, but over time, the desire to have a uniform look spread across to friends, colleagues, business associates and so on. This desire in itself, opened the door for intending couples, especially the Bride-To-Be  to begin to “sell” a uniform material to all those that can afford it. In Nigeria, this material is popularly known as Aso-Ebi.

While some people believe it’s a beautiful feature of the wedding process, others believe it’s a waste of money.   
Here are their Arguments:


a.       BEAUTY: Having family dressed in the same attire designed in different unique ways, adds a beautiful color to the event and makes the occasion look good on camera.
b.      CO-ORDINATION: The Aso Ebi helps the event planners in organization, making it easier to identify people and usher them to their right place. Also while serving, the Aso Ebi helps the caterers to know what to serve a particular group of persons based on their wears.
c.       SUPPORT: Sometimes, one way to financially support couples is buying their Aso Ebi. In this way, they can buy it in bulk from the market and sell to guests in Yards. Buying the Aso- Ebi is a sign that you are truly in support of their marriage and happy to identify with them.  
d.      SECURITY: In the times we are, one cannot be over careful, for high profile events, Aso Ebi can help in scrutinizing the type of people that can attend the wedding. It would be unfair to have a dangerous element have free access to a couples once in a lifetime event and cause damage. So, the Aso Ebi can easily serve as an ACCESS CARD for a wedding.


a.       TOO MUCH FINANCIAL BURDEN: As a guest to a wedding, it is expected that one attends a wedding with a Gift Item, no matter how little; however it becomes an additional burden on the guest, when they have to think of cost of Transportation to the Wedding, Gift Item for the Couple, and then buying  Aso Ebi, Pay for its Sewing, and then use it for just one day. It really seems unfair and wicked. Some couples sometimes get low standard materials and sell it at an outrageous price.

b.      IT’S MEANT FOR FAMILY ONLY: Why should colleague in the office be compelled to buy and wear and Aso Ebi when he/she is not a family member? It doesn’t really make sense. An office colleague in a proper sense should attend the wedding with a touch or trademark of the company or office and not struggle to become a part of a family he/she was not born into.
c.       STIGMATIZATION: The purpose of Ceremonies is to ensure that loved ones celebrate and felicitate with the couple. It’s appalling to see people treated with disdain just because they cannot afford to buy an expensive Aso Ebi. In some events, people that are not wearing Aso Ebi are the last to be served and are sometimes completely ignored.

d.      UNHEALTHY COMPETITION: There are women who just because they want to compete with other women will starve their family just in other to purchase Aso Ebi. Just because they want to “MEET UP” they trouble their husbands and use their Children’s school fees to purchase it. 

So, after all these points? Where do you stand on the ASO EBI issue?

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Airhunuoje Michael is a young Entrepreneur from Otuo, Owan East Edo State. A Graduate of Political Science & Public Administration from the University of Benin; he is also an Alumni of Daystar Leadership Academy, led by Pst. Sam Adeyemi. In 2008, he was a part of a team of young Nigerians that designed and submitted a Reality Show Program on ReBranding Nigeria to the then Minister Of Information Late. Dr. Dora Akunyilli . His experience working with Bunmi Davies as the Brand Manager at Afrotainment Production; Producers of Nigeria’s No1 Family Comedy Show “Stand Up Nigeria”, completely sets him apart as an ace in the field of Branding and Publicity.